
I’ve never lived in a trailer home, or spent significant time in one (except in Iraq, I suppose), but my neighbor/coworker tells me what we’re living in is a lot like that. It has fake wood paneling and walls that you could put your fist through, and plenty of cracks at the seams where cold air and, presumably, insects sneak in.

The small building is bisected by a wall and I live on one side, and one of the guys I work with lives on the other. We each have a door to the outside and the whole building rattles when either of us leaves or returns.

I usually can’t hear anything going on in my neighbor’s space, though I commonly have the television on (AFN News) for background noise. When he has people over I can hear the muffled buzzing of voices, but generally can’t make out what they’re saying (not that I care to).

I’ve heard him snoring a few times, and I’m sure he hears the same from my side. I never hear his television, and he says he never hears mine, though I used to hear my previous neighbor’s radio when he had it placed right up against the separating wall; I don’t have a radio. I can hear his phone ringing, and I suppose he can hear mine, but phones don’t ring all that often over here and often we're calling each other anyhow.

I think it's important to keep that separation between our living areas. Privacy is something that is very rare in theater, and we're lucky to have what little slice of it we do.

I just sneezed and my neighbor shouted through the wall “God bless you!

I shouted back, “You’re breaking the 4th wall!

AFN = American Forces Network