
My colleague and I stopped by the PX so that he could buy a television, but he decided that the line was far too long, as it often is. I desperately needed soap and shampoo, which the PX had been out of but now had in stock. I didn’t want to make my buddy wait, though, so I decided against getting any.

As we were leaving, we saw a line of people waiting for a book signing by LTC (RET) James Megellas, touted as “the 82nd Airborne’s most decorated officer” which is pretty impressive considering the history of the 82nd ABN.

The line wasn’t very long, and we’re both of the mindset that we should take advantage of any unique opportunities over here, so we stood in line, shook the guy’s hand, and got a signed copy of his book chronicling his combat experiences in Holland and Germany during WWII.

I later saw him and his wranglers at the DFAC at lunch and again at dinner. I wonder what he thought of the chow halls here compared to what he was eating in the 1940s in a very different war.

When I returned to the PX later that day, they were entirely out of shampoo and soap. I reek.

PX = Post Exchange

LTC = Lieutenant Colonel

RET = Retired

DFAC = Dining Facility