
Barack Obama is inaugurated today, becoming the nation’s 44th president and Commander-in-Chief, the head of the military.

I don’t recall ever watching a presidential inauguration, but I watch this one, from Afghanistan. I’m not drawn to the pomp and circumstance, but I enjoy watching history unfold and like many in Iraq and Afghanistan, I’m interested to see what changes the new boss will bring about.

The plan for OEF was already moving forward before Mr. Obama took office – plans are well underway to move increasing numbers of troops here, just as they will be drawing down in Iraq (OIF). It makes for an interesting time to be in either theater. I was in Iraq during “the surge” in 2007 when we saw a spike in violence, owing to the increased US presence, followed by sharp declines as our forces settled into their roles and took care of business. Like it or love it, the surge worked.

With violence increasing in Afghanistan, a similar strategy will play out over the next year, though this one coordinated with NATO forces throughout the country and never to reach the numbers of troops we saw deployed to Iraq.

I have a colleague in Iraq, occupying now the post I occupied for 7 months in 2007, and we chat from time to time. It is oddly bittersweet to hear about the base closures in Iraq, the drawdown of troops, and the planning for the eventual complete withdrawal – at least of our role there, though US troops will surely not disappear from the Iraqi landscape altogether anytime soon.

As part of my responsibilities here, I coordinate how my guys and I need to react to more troops in Afghanistan – I try to track how many are coming, what equipment they’re bringing, and where exactly they’ll end up. It is largely a pointless effort, as things change so quickly and often that I sometimes feel I’d be better served to just count them as they get off the plane.

All in all, I’m excited about the new presidency, if for nothing else than for a change from the status quo – which obviously wasn’t working. It is not clear how, if at all, my life will be affected by the new administration.

I guess I have a job to do regardless.

OEF = Operation Enduring Freedom (the war in Afghanistan)
OIF = Operation Iraqi Freedom (the war in Iraq)
NATO = North Atlantic Treaty Organization