
It sounds like the Afghanis are playing their own Super Bowl today.

Around 1730, I head out for dinner and hear a constant murmur of voices punctuated by excited shouts and cheering. The noise is coming from over the wall that separates the base from the Afghani town beyond.

It’s a slightly brisk day, not cold, and the last few days have been clear and sunny. It sounds like the Afghanis are enjoying the weather and playing a game – I can only presume soccer – and it’s frustrating that I can’t get out there to see the game, to be more involved in their culture. It’s my biggest complaint about the role I play out here, that I have very limited interaction with the people who call this county home.

Before going to the chow hall, I swing by the MWR tent to verify the time of an event they have scheduled for tonight.

I saw a flyer yesterday at the gym – something about NFL cheerleaders and ex-players for a meet & greet. Nobody I recognized, but we’ll take whatever we can get out here.

The sign on the MWR tent does not surprise me: Cancelled.

The sign also announces that their Super Bowl Party will begin at 0100. I make note of it, but don’t plan on attending. I know that by the time the game starts I’ll be in bed and not willing to get dressed again and walk through the cold to whatever passes for a party around here.

After eating dinner, I return to my room and am plugging away at work when there’s a knock at my door. My room is small enough that I can open the front door without getting up from my desk, and Izzy walks in – it’s just before 2000.

As a contractor, Izzy doesn’t wear a uniform, and tonight he has on what looks like a new sweatshirt and slacks combo. He looks at me expectantly and I realize I haven’t told him the NFL event was cancelled.

ME: Hey, I’m sorry I forgot to tell you. They cancelled the show tonight.
IZZY: Aww, shoot. [He pats his pocket] I had my camera ready for those cheerleaders.
ME: Are you wearing cologne?

He isn’t wearing cologne, though I think he has just showered and is wearing crisp, clean clothes for the cheerleaders. He has also taken a liberal dose of mouthwash, which I needle him for.

I tell him about the “party”, but Izzy is not a night owl and there’s no chance he’ll be staying up for that.

I settle down to finish working, and decide to stay up all night for the game rather than try to sleep and wake up later.

MWR = Morale, Welfare & Recreation