
The weather seems to dominate conversations lately.

The last several days the rain has been constant but fluctuating in intensity. Drizzle gives way to downpour gives way to spitting. We’ve gotten used to trudging through the mud, though it’s nothing compared to the mud I experienced during a January in Baghdad. The Army has scattered gravel around in generous portions, and the dirt just isn’t as deep here – Afghanistan is altogether more rocky than Iraq, or than anyplace I’ve ever spent a lot of time.

The ground is uneven, though, and puddles are everywhere, some of them massive and cut off entire walkways so you have no choice but to slog right through it. Others are in roads I’ve driven hundreds of times, but hide a newly-formed trench that the vehicle drops violently into. I only make that mistake once.

Today, though, the rain has let up. The clouds still billow, but they’re puffy and white and the sky behind is bright blue and the sun makes continued appearances. It’s all a welcome sight after so many gray days.

The clouds breaking up also gives us our first look at the surrounding mountains in several days, and it’s clear that the rain we’ve been receiving at our altitude has been snow on the mountaintops. They look like they’ve been coated with powdered sugar.