
If you’re going to visit Iraq, you might as well swing by Afghanistan while you’re in the neighborhood.

President Bush was in my old stomping ground in Iraq yesterday where he had a much-publicized conference with a pair of shoes, and this morning he landed at my current home: Bagram, Afghanistan.

Unfortunately, I didn’t hear about his visit until he was long gone. They tend not to publicize his movements very far in advance, though some troops did get some warning, along with an invitation to hear him speak. One of the officers I work with, a LTC(P), accepted such an invite, though he was told in advance: It’s going to suck.

He recounts getting up at 0115 to shower, shave, and put on a new uniform, meeting the rest of the soldiers at 0200, and standing for over 4 hours on a hard concrete floor in a hangar – an area he was not allowed to leave once he entered – until Air Force One landed and taxied just outside. He tells of shaking the POTUS’ hand as Bush rushed past, not even looking back at who he’s pressing the flesh with. They listen to the speech, one I heard later on CNN, and must then wait until the President departs the airfield before they’re allowed to leave.

He tells of the grueling wait and captivity, of the fleeting meeting with our Commander-In-Chief, and the others in the room with us listen to his story and shake their hands, say “No thanks, Not worth it”, but I’d have been there if I’d had the opportunity.

I’m in Afghanistan, after all, and I’ll grab any chance to do, see, or experience something new. I’m not going to tell stories to my grandkids (or grandmothers, for that matter) about sitting at a computer making histograms.

POTUS = President Of The United States
LTC(P) – Lieutenant Colonel (Promotable) – officers get selected for promotion often several months before the advancement becomes official. During that time between selection and pinning on of the new rank, they can place a (P) after their rank as a sign of distinction, of selection and impending promotion.
USAF = United States Air Force