
It’s overcast today, and I love it.

I spent 207 days in Iraq last year and it rained twice: once in the first week I was there, and once in my last week. In between, it was not only devoid of rain, but a cloud was at most a bi-weekly occurrence, and even then it was a small, puffy, white, fleeting. It was invariably hot, and dry, and I longed for weather that changed. I longed for anything to change, really.

My first 39 days in Afghanistan have been similar, in that it’s been hot, but we at least have cloudy days and clear days, dusty days when you can barely see the surrounding mountains and days when they’re crisp and gorgeous. It’s been warm or hot during in the afternoons and lately it’s been cool at night, which I enjoy.

I’m told it snows in the winters here, and I’m very much looking forward to that.

I was working in my room today when it started to rain, softly. It took me a few moments to realize what the noise was, something plinking off the metal roof of my building. It lasted just long enough for me to walk outside and then ceased entirely, leaving just a transitory hint of the smell of rain.