
The last few days have been cool, and the nights have been downright frigid. It’s making the walk to the port-a-john at 0300 pretty uncomfortable. I hear tale of very cold times ahead, with ice and snow sweeping onto us from the surrounding mountains. I’ll have to see if the PX has long underwear in stock.

I have an upcoming mission to Salerno, though flights from BAF to there have been sparse of late. Looks like there’s one tomorrow, though, so my colleague and I will show up at the APOD and assume the position until we are either on board or bumped.

While I usually enjoy the travel, and it will be nice to see another base and get off of BAF, work has kept me pretty busy lately and I almost hate to leave and get further behind. I’ll catch up when I get back, though, as always. It does pay to be busy out here, as those days will fly by.

PX = Post Exchange
BAF = Bagram Air Field
APOD = Aerial Port of Debarkation